Monday, April 4, 2016

Fortress of Solitude

Fortress of Solitude is a place of solace in which Superman occasionally used to isolate himself from the outside world. I, myself, has been building my own Fortress of Solitude for years in order to protect me from every nonsense and bullshit spouted from the others.

It's been months I've been isolating myself. Or is it years? I left my friends and those who care for me. I thought it would've been best for me to figure out my own shit without them but I was wrong. This is the wrongest I've ever been in my life.

It started out this year. 2016 has been a shitty year for. Can't wait for it to end. The 1st of January left a deep scar marked so black with a foul stench. Being rejected is not that painful at all. But to know and understand the true reason after months of hoping for the best to come, it left a shitty taste on my tongue. I did my best to pleasure the rest, to be an angel to some although others perceive me as the devil. Or am I truly a reincarnation of the devil? Only to bring despair and agony to others, to those I love the most.

And then came shame after the rejection. A feeling of abomination that made me feel so scare to face the world, to face my friends. The closest I have been with were some. Easy to count enough with my fingers. I left them, hoping that they will search me back. Look around them, where the hell I have gone. I crave for some of their attentions. Like what Zul got when he was alive. Gone AWOL for a day and people come searching for him in an instance. I guess my existence doesn't really bring that much of an impact like he did. I think it is best for me to change my shoes with him. Be the one who is deep buried underneath the ground, befriending dirt and worms. And let him truly enjoy life because he deserves it. He deserves to be happy alongside his friends and make them happy for years to come. I wish I could've given such a huge impact to people around me. I did my best to fill in the gap he left but I guess people really didn't see that. I'm a failure. 

Came a person who would've given her all to me. The one who promised to stay loyal and faithful for eternity. But a destructive man like me could take no such commitment. I guess I am no man, I'm a shitty being who is deemed to be repellant to everyone that has ever care for me. I shove people away, hoping for them to come back stronger. But little did I know that as I push them away, they've gone afar and they'll never coming back. Please come back. All of you. It's too dark and lonely at night. I'm talking by myself days and nights, hoping that someone would talk back to me. Please come back. I promise I won't shut myself away again. I need somebody to talk with, to share all these agonizing pains away. This silence is killing me deep inside. 

I guess I am but a shadow drowned in the dark. Unseen and unheard. 

This is my Fortress of Solitude. And it's crumbling down to earth, burying me inside. Alone. 

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Aku Sang Antagonis

"Antagonis: Suatu karakter yang melawan atau menentang karakter utama (protagonis). Antagonis merupakan seorang penjahat atau pencetus konflik terhadap protagonis. Antagonis biasanya jahat dan tidak baik serta sering mempunyai nilai-nilai negatif."

Semakin lama aku memperluaskan skop perspektif, semakin aku sedar bahawa hidup aku selama ini hanyalah sebagai seorang antagonis. Aku selalu cuba membayangkan diri aku sebagai seorang adiwira yang pantas menentang kejahatan, namun baru aku sedari bahawa akulah kejahatan tersebut. Seluruh masa yang terkandung di dalam hidup aku hanya disalurkan untuk perkara-perkara berunsur jahat sahaja.

Seingat aku, aku fikir akulah mangsa keadaan. Akulah sang putera, lengkap berbaju perisai memancar sinaran mentari, pantas menunggang kuda putih yang gagah perkasa. Tugas aku hanyalah satu: Menyelamatkan sang puteri yang ditahan sang penjahat. Ya, pada mulanya akulah sang protagonis. Tetapi apabila dilihat dan diimbas semula, baru aku sedar aku ini samalah tarafnya seperti perampas. Bahawasanya sang penjahat yang aku tewaskan tersebut semuanya protagonis sebenar. Dan sudah berapa ramaikah sang puteri yang aku tersilap selamatkan? Ah, bajingan.

Aku cuba menjadi manusia yang setidak-tidaknya berguna. Aku tidak pandai memimpin sesuatu kumpulan manusia. Aku mahu cuba. Namun mungkin kerana personaliti aku yang hambar membuatkan aku sentiasa kandas di pilihan belakang. Seringkali beberapa sang dungu sahaja yang terpilih untuk memimpin. Tidak mengapa. Mungkin tugas aku sebagai penyokong. Ya, jika di dalam permainan video, karakter penyokong adalah sesuatu karakter yang sangat penting. Penyembuh, pemanah, strategis.. Ya, aku seorang strategis. Aku suka merancang, tetapi aku malas bekerja. Tidak mengapa, idea aku kesemuanya ideal dan logik. Akulah strategis yang di dalam senyap mencucuk-cucuk idea bernas di dalam setiap program yang hendak dikerjakan. Tetapi celaka sungguh, mungkin kerana wajah sugul dan membosankan aku, setiap lontaran idea yang diberikan dipandang hina dan jijik. Dan kemudiannya aku dipandang sebagai suatu watak jahat yang cuba menjahanamkan setiap cubaan orang lain. Apa? Aku cuma mahu membantu. Aku pun inginkan yang terbaik.


Dahulunya aku seorang yang baik. Dungu juga, mungkin. Dan lurus bendul. Aku bukanlah seorang yang hip ataupun bijak bergaul semasa kecil. Di sekolah rendah, aku dibuli teruk. Pulang sahaja dari sekolah, aku akan menangis dan mengadu bermacam-macam pada Emak dan Abah. Aku tidak pandai berkawan. Sekarang juga tidak pandai berkawan. Dahulunya jika aku mencarut atau berbahasa kasar sedikit, terasa bagai berdosa besar. Aku takut dan bingkas meminta maaf kepada Tuhan. Tetapi aku juga ingin berkawan. Kawan-kawan aku semuanya menyelang-nyelikan setiap patah kata dengan carutan. Mungkin jika aku berbuat sedemikian, aku akan diterima untuk berkawan dengan mereka. Ya, mungkin zaman aku dibuli juga akan berakhir. Dan di situlah matinya aku yang naif dan lurus.

Aku pernah berbuat nakal di rumah semasa umur entah berapa tahun. Emak memarahi aku dan berkata, "Jahat sungguh!" atau yang sama waktu dengannya, aku tidak berapa ingat dialog sebenar. Namun itulah dialog klise yang diujarkan ibu bapa tiap kali anak berbuat nakal. Entah kenapa pada masa itu, kata-kata Emak terasa pahit untuk aku telan. Bukan seperti tertusuknya bilah yang tajam pada jantung ini. Tetapi bilah yang sudah tumpul, berkarat dan tidak sempurna bentuknya. Lebih sakit dan pedih. Aku telan segumpal liur dan kecur berasa masin pada ketika itu. Ingin sahaja aku teriak kuat tetapi aku tahan. Tiba pada waktu malam, semasa aku sedang berbaring di atas tilam dan Emak menepuk-nepuk bantal, aku telan seketul gumpal liur yang terasa amat kelat sekali. Aku buka mulut dan soal perlahan, "Emak, Chik ni jahat sangat ke?". Belum pun habis soalan, tangis mengalir di alis mata dan aku teriak kuat bagai budak bodoh kehilangan ibu di pasar raya. Emak cepat-cepat memeluk aku dan katakan bahawa tiada satu pun yang dia katakan pada petang tadi benar-benar dia maksudkan. Sekadar mahu memarahi aku.

Entah kenapa aku teringat babak silam tersebut yang sudah lama terkubur di dalam kotak memori aku. Tetapi terasa sama perasaan telan liur dan gelinangan tangis tersebut, seolah-olah aku berada di atas tilam yang sama dan pada waktu yang sama. 

Aku sedar. Sepanjang hidup aku berbuat jahat. Akulah karakter antagonis di dalam jalan cerita orang lain. Aku mahu jadi protagonis. Aku tidak mahu hidup di dalam penyesalan. Beberapa kali aku cuba menyimpang dari lorong gelap dan duduk sebentar di bawah tiang lampu. Aku cuba untuk berubah. Tetapi tiada yang perasan, bahkan tohmahan yang aku terima. Lantas aku kembali ke lorong gelap tersebut. Biar membuta berjalan meraba ke sana ke sini.

Aku ini bukanlah orang yang baik. Aku sedar. Tetapi aku cuba untuk berubah. Aku tidak akan pinta pujian ataupun ganjaran daripada kalian, daripada kamu. yang aku pinta satu-satunya ialah sokongan ikhlas. Yang ini aku betul-betul harapkan daripada kamu. Namun kamu sudah pergi. Motokar yang kita pacu bersama selama beberapa ketika ini sudah berhenti di perhentian yang tidak asing bagi aku: Lorong gelap. Aku ditendang keluar dan kamu terus pacu tanpa toleh kebelakangan, tanpa sebarang penjelasan. Aku kembali buta di lorong gelap yang sama.

Tetapi ada muncul sensasi merah yang dapat aku lihat disebalik kelopak mata ini. Sensasi merah yang terhasil dari sinar tiang lampu yang dahulunya pernah menjadi persinggahan aku. Janganlah aku kembali ke lorong gelap lagi, akan kerana hati ini sudah terlalu hitam. Berikanlah aku peluang untuk menyinarinya dengan cahaya setelah sekian lama ia bermandikan bayang dosa-dosa silam.

Sesungguhnya aku ini bukanlah orang yang baik. Aku sang antagonis. Namun, aku mahu menjadi protagonis di dalam jalan cerita aku sendiri. Dengan sokongan kalian mahupun tidak, in shaa Allah. Dan pada ketika itu, janganlah kalian, janganlah kamu menyesal. Sekian.

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Kitab Depresi

Ramai tidak tahu betapa sukarnya berhadapan dengan depresi. Di luar, aku sengih tayang gigi dengan penuh keyakinan walhal di dalam, perasaan aku bergolak bagai badai tsunami dan aku sendiri tidak tahu apakah sebabnya. Yang aku tahu, bila-bila masa sahaja aku boleh koyak dan teriak di khalayak ramai jikalau aku hilang fokus dalam mengawal depresi ini. Rasa depresi ini sudah lama meracuni aku dan kini hati aku makin tenat, makin nazak. Aku telan segala natijah dan anggap semuaya berpunca daripada khilaf aku. Ya, semuanya khilaf aku. Biar aku tanggung semuanya. Biar aku berlagak seperti hero dan mati dengan penuh berjasa. Tidak, manusia tidak akan pandang manusia sebegini. Manusia yang penuh dengan kekhilafan adalah jijik! Keji dan kotor ibarat anjing kurap yang berkeliaran di lorong-lorong busuk! Ya, busuk seperti hati aku barangkali. Aku ini manusia pendendam. Asal ada sahaja keburukan yang jatuh kepada aku, aku akan berdendam dan kesumat ini tidak akan terhapus sebegitu sahaja. Perkataan maaf itu bodoh. Sememangnya bodoh dan tidak berguna. Apa kau fikir dengan mengucap kalimah maaf itu, keadaan akan berubah seperti asal, bagai tiada apa-apa yang pernah terjadi? Ramai manusia menyalahgunakan terma maaf untuk melepaskan diri daripada rasa bersalah. Sedarilah bahawa maaf itu tidak ada nilainya selagi kau tidak mahu mengubah natijah yang kau bawakan. Ya, orang seperti aku tidak layak dimaafkan. Oleh semua orang dan oleh diri aku sendiri, maaf itu tidak akan melekat lama pada diri ini. Celaka. Apa gunanya hidup jika tidak berguna. Ya, mungkin aku patut mati. Tapi aku tidak boleh bunuh diri. Berdosa. Jadi aku harap setiap kali aku di jalan raya, akan ada kereta yang tersasar dari jalannya dan menghentam aku. Mati. Ataupun aku bergegas menuruni tangga, lantas tergelincir jatuh kepala tersembam ke atas lantai. Mati. Ya, apa sahaja cara asalkan hidup ini dapat diberhentikan. Aku sudah tidak tahan. Rasa rabak dan koyak pada hati ini terlalu banyak, masa tidak akan mampu mengubati semuanya. Setiap kali aku bangun daripada tidur, masa berjaga berlalu dengan perlahan sekali. Tohmahan dan kesakitan yang dipalit orang sekeliling, rasanya terlalu pedih sekali. Tidak, bukan salah mereka. Khilaf aku semuanya. Jadi aku tidur. Tidur pengubat segala duka. Tidak. Tidur buatkan aku leka dan lupa sebentar mengenai segala kesakitan. Tetapi sejak kebelakangan ini aku sukar untuk tidur. Bangsat. Bagaimana hendak lupa jika aku tidak boleh tidur. Tiga jam diluangkan untuk lelapkan kelopak mata ini. Aku mahu tidur selama yang mungkin. Biar aku bangun dan semua masalah selesai. Tidak. Sekarang ini aku tidak boleh melarikan diri di alam mimpi. Kau ada di sana. Mengapa kau ada di sana? Aku cari kau semasa jaga dan kau tiada. Sekarang aku mahu lupakan kau di waktu tidur, kau muncul secara tiba-tiba. Entah berapa malam kau hadir dalam mimpi aku, hanya membawa kesakitan sebagaimana kau berikan semasa aku berjaga. Aku cuba bercakap dengan tuhan, kerana ini semua perancanganNya. Aku soal, mengapa aku? Diam. Banyak sangatkah khilaf aku sampai Kau menghukum aku sebegini? Diam. Sampai bila rasa sakit ini akan berlanjutan? Diam. Bagaimanakah caranya untuk menghentikan rasa sakit ini? Diam. Aku ini bukannya orang yang beriman, keliling pinggang penuh dengan dosa-dosa silam. Namun apabila aku soal Kau, tolonglah jawab. Aku buntu. Hendak diharapkan orang di sekeliling, mereka semua terlalu sibuk dengan urusan sendiri. Sedangkan yang dekat pun buta. Jika aku luahkan apa yang terbuku di hati, pasti akan diketawakan. Paling tidak pun, nasihat bodoh dan klise yang akan diberikan. Aku sunyi. Aku terlalu sunyi. Dahulu ketika adanya kau untuk berbual kosong, aku dapat lupakan serba sedikit rasa depresi ini. Sekarang, kesunyian makin menambah-nambah rasa perit dan pedih di hati ini. Tidak, aku tidak salahkan kau. Ini semuanya khilaf aku yang bodoh tidak reti menghargai. Oh tuhan, tolonglah. Aku sudah tidak tahan menangis setiap malam. Bertemankan rasa kecewa, marah, sedih dan hampa setiap kali mahu tidur. Aku mahu tidur dengan senyuman panjang hingga ke telinga, bukannya menangisi diri ini hingga tertidur kesepian. Aku ini bukan orang yang baik, aku tahu. Tapi bukankah aku juga layak mendapatkan sesuatu yang baik? Atau aku ini terlalu keji sehinggakan hanya penderitaan dan depresi yang mampu menjadi teman aku sehingga mati? Jika, matikanlah aku secepat yang mungkin. Tiada apa yang menarik di dunia ini. Semuanya menyakitkan sahaja.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016


It has been a year since that very day, but he still remembers it like it was yesterday.

The beating in his chest thumped too hard, it might explode. His heart might burst and paint the whole desk red. But he remained calm, for he was the main hero that day. He prepared days and nights for that exact moment. Well, there was not much of a preparation but still, his mental must be strong, tough and rigid.

He exited the examination hall. He was so nervous that he had to submit his paper earlier than others. He sat in the corner by himself, thinking what the hell should he do? What was the plan again? That stupid yet simple plan. Oh yes, he remembered it now. He grabbed a pencil from his bag and began writing on the question paper he brought out along with his nervousness.

It has been three whole hours since the examination took place. The other students were exiting the hall. Crowds murmuring about how difficult the questions were. "You guys have the whole semester to study one final paper and yet you complain about how difficult it was," he murmured by himself. 

Suddenly, he remembered about his true purpose that day. His eyes were sharp. They were moving right and left, eyeing people here and there. He was looking for something. Nay, he was looking for someone. Sweats breaking from his forehead down to the corner of his right eye. He wiped it away. "There is no time," he exclaimed in his mind. Yes, there was no time. The plan must be committed perfectly. He grabbed tightly the paper in his hand. It was his mission.

Among the sea of people, someone caught up his eyes. His eyes are squinty and not to mention that he has short-sightedness. But still, he managed to see that 'someone' from afar in the middle of hundreds of people. "This must be a sign from god!"

He chased that 'someone' down the stairs. Not too clumsy there, he did not want that 'someone' to notice anything strange. Each step he took down the stairs felt like a year. So imagine a three-storey bulding, how many steps are there and how many years did he has to feel? His nervousness was not helping at all. There were fluttering beats in his thoracic cavity. "Shut up, will ya?" he said to his own heart.

The walk felt eternal. But he managed to see the ground floor. "Okay, this is it. It is now or never". He approached that 'someone'. A lady to be exact. He intercepted that lady and he stood firmly right in front of her. Well, not that rigid. His knees were shaking. And his hands, they were like mobile phones vibrating from hundreds of notifications popping up at the same time.

He took a deep breath and said, "Hey, do you the answer to question number 5? On section C". The lady was confused. "There was no question 5 on section C. There were only four questions if I am not mistaken," she replied. "Eh but how come my question paper has question 5 on it? Can you take a look at it?" he nervously said as he raised the paper. He hold it with two hands because his right hand had already given up on him. He needed all the strengths he could find. But he was not sure whether the lady could read what he had written on the paper because of the tremor coming from his shivering hands.

The lady read it clearly, and she gasped. He smiled cunningly. "So what is the answer to THAT question?" he asked, knowing some of the jitters had gone away. The lady blushed as red as she could. It seemed like her face was gonna popped with tomato juice or something. It was the reddest he had ever seen in his life. The lady ran away. He remained calm and walked towards her.

He found the lady in a corner of an alley. He smiled upon her, and approached her again. This time, he made it quick and simple. He whispered, "Do not forget to tell me the answer when you get back home, will ya?" and he ran away, dashing through the winds.

The lady blushed, and the guy smiled. And the rest was history.

Sunday, January 3, 2016


The feeling of sadness gushing in and out of me. Seeing you leaving me astray, after all the long-awaited feels you kept by yourself. I thought you would be the last. A finale. No. A grand finale of my never-ending search for my other half. It never supposed to end this way. This is not what I have planned in my mind. We are supposed to wait, five years top. I would have collected enough money by that time. And I would come knocking down the door of your house, face your father like a man I will, and ask for his daughter to be my spouse. We will walk together in this cruel reality, for I am assure and confident with you by my side. But sadly, this is just a dream. And I woke up too soon.

I must say, I feel betrayed. You whom I poured all of my attention and care, have stabbed me in the back. This excruciating pain in my chest is unbearable. The feeling of betrayal is one I hate the most. I am angry and mad. This eyes are burning with raging fire. I should have cussed you like how I would do to others but I could not for I am mad. Madly in love with you. Do not take my sympathy for granted, lady. I am full of angst and endless rage. But it is you who subdue my anger away.

I looked in the mirror and I saw this man. He has a vacant stare, his eyes look dead to me. He seems to have seen too many despairs in his young life. Or he felt them all? He disgusts me! This man, this unholy man. His heart has been tainted by filth and it cannot be cleansed, cannot be purged. He fooled around and he did not see what is coming towards him. The past is riding on a wheel. And it is coming right at him. This is all his fault. He despises me! If he was so smart and more careful in his actions, none of this would have happened. He failed to appreciate, and he must repay for his wrongdoing. This man in the mirror, he will soon taste another despair.

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Racun Buatan Sendiri

Buat pertama kalinya aku bertemu seseorang yang membuatkan aku berasa mahu dekat dengan Tuhan, dia pergi. 

Mungkin ini suatu bentuk kifarah dosa. Di mana Tuhan mahu tunjukkan pada aku betapa sakitnya perasaan orang yang telah aku sakiti.

Bodoh, Afiq. Bodoh. Kau fikir kau boleh terlepas daripada khilaf yang lalu tapi kau tersilap. Rasakan racun buatan kau sendiri

Friday, January 1, 2016

Too Blind To See

It is 2016, the very first day of 2016. Did not know what to do, so I decided to do one thing I have been preparing for months; scrolling through our old conversations.

I opened my Facebook account, and then opened the messaged tab. I quickly searched your name. Found it. Gosh, more than 3800 chats we had. I wonder what they are all about.

It was a bugger to load through previous chats. The Internet was slow and Facebook took too long to load every single chat message. But I managed to reach the top of it, dated 20th July 2011.

Scrolling down through each conversation was a real stroll down memory lane. Oh how we were too naive back then. All those unnecessary shortforms we used, those cheesy lines we said to each other.

I remembered how I used to tease you when you blushed so red, and how you would do the same to my squinty little eyes. How stupid I was for not able to see all those signals you were giving to me.

I was such a forgetful person. Scrolling through those conversations, all I can see was you supporting me in my toughest times. There were times I posted my angst on Facebook, and you would asked;

"Hey, is it okay? I saw your status on Facebook today. Mind to share?" and with all egomaniac manners I declined you and your kindness. Oh how I took your concern for granted.

You would asked me countless of times, when will I go back to the campus, have I already eaten or not, did I finish my study, how is my progress on assignments doing, did I sleep, why did I stay awake and so forth.

All these little things I took for granted. I only saw them as a blank, empty and aimless conversation with a friend. You probably felt the other way back then, for I know it too late now.

It all went south in the middle of 2012. I do not know what had gotten into me at that time but I neglected every piece of attention you craved from me. How stupid I was.

And came August 2012. It was my birthday that time, on the 8th. You wish me a happy birthday. You never failed to wish me before. Unlike me, who always forgot to wish you,

That was the last time you wish my birthday, and the last time we chat with each other before you gone. Or perhaps, I was the one who was gone? For I am an idiot who wen for the other.

Two years went by without me realizing that you were gone. Totally gone. An emptiness that I could not feel at all. The pillar that supported me all these times was missing without me even knowing.

And then you came back, on 8th August 2014. Just a simple birthday wish. And I realized how vile I was for not searching you back for all those two years. You egomaniac moron, Afiq!

Is it too late for me to say sorry for leaving and forgetting you behind when I was too blind to see that you were always there for me? Is 2016 going to be empty or full of memories with you? 
