Sunday, June 2, 2013

Altering Fantasy Into Reality

So I've been trying to draw recently. Trying to exhume (learnt this word from Warm Bodies, nice movie by the way) my old-time hobby. I keep on imagining cool poses and characters, but I failed to reanimate them on the papers. I don't know why but I keep on failing. The sketches are kinda good (I had to admit) but once I try to darken the outline, it got pretty messed up.

This is my life. I'm a good planner, but a bad doer. I can plan lots of things. Heck, I can plan everything. But it seems impossible for me to do it. All those plans that I keep on imagining in my mind, I find it hard to organize them in real life. Usually before I go to sleep, I plan on what I wanna do the next time I woke up. Get up early, go to store, hangout with friends, spend time with my family and so on. But hell I ain't able to do any of that as perfectly as I planned it to be. God, this worries me so much. I have a long term plan you know. Like what I wanna do as soon as I finished my diploma. I intend to work in a bank for some months, then continue studying in Bachelor of Science In Library and Information Management. Hopefully in UiTM Merbok and not in UiTM Puncak Perdana. After that I'll get my master, be a lecturer and get married when I am 28. But my pathetic skill in altering fantasy into reality worries me, so much. Because even the simplest plan I failed to do, what about this huge scale plan that involves 84.07% of my future? Dang!


  1. why tak nak uitm puncak perdana!!! hmmm =.=
    btw, chik kira baguslah ada plan drpd orang yang tak ada plan langsungkan? Good luck, da kahwin nati jemput wawa tau... :)

  2. Sebab UiTM Puncak Perdana terlalu besar, menyerabutkan dan sesak. Chik prefer belajar di tempat yang kekampungan dan bebas daripada hiburan, senang sikit nak serap ilmu dan tak lari fokus untuk belajar. :]
